ABOUT OUR financical modules |
Galaxy's Financial software is the most powerful and flexible, and at the same time easiest to use. The Accounts Receivable/Billing module contributes to improved reimbursement cash flow and the immediacy of quality reporting. With automatic accruals from Accounts Payable and Payroll, as well as General Ledger, it provides the best views of where you are financially, where you've been, and projects your future with unique precision.
Galaxy’s Accounts Receivable/Billing module is all inclusive. Fully integrated with the Galaxy ADT, it includes Census, Electronic Billing and Trust Funds, and interfaces with bar code and other electronic ancillary charge entry systems. Galaxy’s unique Draft Census allows the nursing department to report census-affecting events, such as changes of rooms or initiation of hospital leave, electronically, without infringing on the accounting office’s control of billing and financial considerations. The completion of a Medicare MDS will automatically report to Census, including the range of billing dates covered by the new assessment, the type of assessment, Assessment Reference Date, and RUGs group. Ancillary charge entry is census-based and automatically assigns the correct billing application (include in Part A, bill to Part B, write off of Medicaid, etc.), charges, and appropriate modifiers. Galaxy provides warnings when a resident does not have a valid diagnosis to justify the charge for the particular insurer, or where a required prior authorization is not yet documented. Personal purchases can be billed against trust funds or the regular bill, as directed. Cash receipt entry assures correct aging, by allowing entry directly to an aged ledger that shows the amounts due by resident, by payor, and by accounting period. Making retro census adjustments is as efficient as can be - you simply enter the corrected census data on the regular census screen, and not only daily charges, but even ancillary charges are adjusted automatically to bill the correct parties for the correct amounts.
Galaxy offers a host of reports, with many viewing options. For example, you may view the AR Detail for any selected number of months for a selected resident, for a set of residents (all Medicare, or all whose last names begin from A through M, etc.), or for all residents. You may view the data on a balance forward basis, or open account. The Galaxy billing wizard makes preparing Resident Statements, Electronic Bills, or printed UB-04’s fast and easy. Audit trail reports, such as Ancillary Posting or Cash Receipt Posting, can be reprinted any time. And Galaxy’s AR/Billing is so efficient, you can close a month for a facility typically in less than 2 minutes!
Galaxy’s General Ledger is the foundation of unparalleled financial management and reporting. Reporting is by facility, consolidated for the entire enterprise, or for any group of specified facilities. Galaxy offers the most powerful automatic allocations. Within a facility, an expense or purchase of one item can be automatically allocated to multiple accounts. For example, a purchase of paper towels can be automatically allocated using preset percentages to housekeeping supplies, nursing station supplies, and dietary supplies. Purchases and expenses can be allocated across the enterprise from a central purchasing office to selected multiple facilities by any of a number of preset options (based on census, square feet, or any other method). The resulting allocation will automatically debit expenses, in the appropriate proportion, to each facility, and create a liability from each facility to the central purchasing office. At the same time, the central office will show a receivable from each of the allocated facilities, and a credit to a payable or cash for the purchase of the item(s). Recurring and reversing entries are easy to perform, and auditable entries can be made to prior periods, according to rules you establish, without any re-closings.
Galaxy’s General Ledger includes a particularly powerful Budgeting System. You set up budgets using a spreadsheet-like form, allowing you to drag values across multiple months. Accounts can be budgeted either on a fixed or per diem basis (for one account the budget is $1,000 in a given month, for another, the budget is $4.63 per resident day).
The reports include Financial Statements, Working Trial Balance and General Ledger Detail Report among others. Virtually all reports allow drill-down by clicking on any amount within the report, all the way from the General Ledger Detail Report through Galaxy’s other modules. You will see the detail of the origin of any transaction, right down to the original posting report in AP, AR, or Payroll. There are a host of options for printing the Financial Statements, including selecting the level of detail, comparisons to prior month or quarter, and that of the same period prior year, with variances shown in dollars, percentage, or both. The Income Statement can be shown with per diem revenue and costs, and you can select specific types of resident days for different accounts (for example, Medicare revenue per diems can be based specifically on Medicare days, not all resident days). The Financial Statements can also be printed with comparison to budgets and, if desired, variances. A built-in Financial Report Writer allows you to create any kind of custom financial reports in any format, and in any order.
When used in conjunction with the Galaxy General Ledger, the Galaxy Accounts
Payable allows for automatic allocation of expenses within a facility, and
to multiple facilities within an enterprise. Also, when using Galaxy Payroll
invoices can be generated automatically in Accounts Payable for any tax and
deduction liabilities. Credit memos, both those associated with a
particular invoice, and stand-alone memos which may be applied to one or
more invoices of a particular vendor, are accommodated. You can select to
pay from multiple checking accounts and use multiple forms of payment.
Galaxy will automatically apply available vendor discounts based on check
date, and laser checks from blank check stock are supported. You can create
a customized check layout that includes any information you would like to
display. You can even print a signature and decide which users have the
right to print that signature. You can reprint posting reports, and even
see an image of checks written with the check stub detail as part of
reviewing cash disbursements.
In addition to Posting Reports, included are Aged Payables, Cash
Requirements, Cash Disbursements, AP Transactions, Vendor Transaction
History, AP GL Transactions, Discount reports, and many others. All reports
include the drill-down feature as well as various export options.
Galaxy's Payroll offers the sophistication of a professional service bureau,
yet is easy to use and accented specifically for Long Term Care facilities'
needs. There are unlimited user-defined earning, deduction, benefit and tax
categories, and you can use the payroll system to allocate employer-paid
benefits based on the departmental distribution. You can allocate any
employee's wages to multiple departments, based on actual hours in a given
payroll period, or on a percentage basis. Invoices for tax and deduction
liabilities can be automatically generated in the Galaxy Accounts Payable
module if desired.
The Galaxy Payroll system also includes a sophisticated time accrual system
that allows you to specify unlimited rules of varying complexities to
automatically accrue any desired time category for your employees. You have
the ability to decide which categories allow time to be used in excess of
what is available and you can also display any used or accrued time on the
check stub.
Galaxy's Payroll interfaces with popular time clocks, and manual data entry
and edit is visually pleasing and easy. Galaxy updates all Federal and State
tax tables for you, and provides for electronic tax form submission. Direct
deposit supports deposits to multiple accounts for each employee, and you
can use laser checks from blank check stock.
Galaxy's Cash Management system allows you to set up, track and reconcile an
unlimited number of bank accounts, including credit card accounts. The
system keeps track of all cash accounts on a real time basis, even though
the month for any module may not yet be closed. Entries made to GL, cash
receipts and adjustments recorded in AR, and disbursements noted in AP,
Payroll and Trust Fund Accounting, all report to the Cash Management system.
The system provides for the most automated reconciliation of each bank
account, allowing for import of statement data directly from your bank. It
will automatically add any interest income and bank fees as a journal entry,
and will flag any transactions that do not match an item on your statement.
The reports include a Cash Management Report that shows all transactions for
an account with a running balance, Account Reconciliation Report,
Unaccounted Checks Report and Voided Checks Report.
