Galaxy was founded in 2004 to provide the fastest, most secure and easiest web-hosted software to long term care facilities. Our team, with decades of experience in long term care technology, designed the Galaxy system from ground up to integrate every function into one powerful database. Integrating census data with financial statements to provide instant access to per diem revenue and costs; automated, instantaneous cross-checking of resident diagnoses with items checked in MDS section I, and those listed on the UB-04; creating a complete, accurate and highly personalized draft care plan from data in MDS and ADT with a single click are just some examples of the very thoughtful and creative design that makes Galaxy a breeze and really fun to use. The Galaxy team is always in research mode,

and maintains regular contact with government regulatory personnel, as well as key industry players and consultants in order to meet the constantly changing demands of the long term care industry. Galaxy provides “software as a service” (SaaS), economic for single facilities and immensely powerful for large enterprises. Galaxy is proud to be an Intel software partner.